Length = Men's: 1722 meters, (5,649 feet) Curves: 19
Length = Women's: 1535 meters, (5,036 feet) Curves: 16 


"A beautiful winter wonderland located high in the Swiss alps. The track is not refrigerated, so the towns residents come together every season to make the track with snow and ice. The track only has one pre-formed curve that is known for its lucky "horseshoe" shape. Naturally, the curve is called "Horseshoe"! The speeds are fast as you go into four consecutive right hand turns on the bottom section. It can be difficult to have visual references on the track because the walls are so high. My biggest memory of this track is "flying" off the end of the not so lucky horseshoe turn six times in row. Ouch..."
- Christian Niccum 


Because this is a natural track that is constructed and changed on an annual basis, there are no start records and track records.