White Castle/USA Luge Slider Search logos
COLUMBUS, Ohio - White Castle, home of The Original Slider®, and USA Luge, the national governing body for the sport of luge, have renewed their partnership beyond the Games in February of 2026. The nation’s two foremost “slider” experts announced partnership extension today.
White Castle kicked off its partnership with USA Luge in 2017, becoming the first and only fast-food restaurant and consumer packaged goods company to serve as an official sponsor of the organization and the title sponsor of its off-season recruitment program, the White Castle USA Luge Slider Search. This program, which launched in 1985, has introduced the sport of luge to more than 26,000 kids across the U.S., including over 2,000 just since 2017. On average, 70% of the athletes representing the United States at all luge competitions are graduates of the Slider Search, including the Games held every four years.
“Partnering with USA Luge and the White Castle Slider Search is an honor – watching so many gifted athletes chase and achieve their dreams truly feeds the souls of our White Castle team and cravers everywhere,” shared Jamie Richardson, a vice president at White Castle. “And whether someone becomes an Olympic Champion or just has a great experience trying out for the team, we love nourishing the dreams of athletes everywhere as they crave excellence.”
With support from White Castle’s restaurant and retail grocery divisions, USA Luge takes its spring, summer and fall recruitment tours to cities coast to coast. Children aged ten through 13 can attend the free clinics, where U.S. Olympic and National Team coaches and athletes teach the basics of riding a luge sled. Participants get the opportunity to ride down paved hills on wheel-equipped luge sleds. Those who show promise are considered for the USA Luge National Development Team.
The first scheduled Slider Search is set for Columbus on May 3-4 at Big Run Park. More dates will be added shortly as a part of the eight-stop national tour.
“Aside from the fun ‘Sliders Supporting Sliders’ side of this partnership, White Castle helps us identify the vast majority of our athletes,” said Gordy Sheer, USA Luge director of marketing and sponsorships and the 1998 Olympic silver medalist in the sport. “White Castle provides us with high quality athletes, the most important element needed for success, along with world-class marketing support. We remain extremely grateful for their longstanding friendship.”