Duncan Segger (pronounced SEE-gir)
Athlete Bio#
Lake Placid
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- 2022 Bronze medal in Innsbruck, Austria World Cup Nations Cup doubles race
- 2022 Gold medal Park City, Utah World Cup Nations Cup doubles race
- Doubles with Dana Kellogg - overall 2016-2017 Youth World Cup winners in their first season together, highlighted by 2 silver and 2 bronze medals
- Gold medal in 2019 Koenigssee, Germany Junior World Cup doubles race
- Bronze medal in first 2019 Altenberg, Germany Junior World Cup doubles race
- Bronze medal in Park City, Utah Junior World Cup team competition #2
- 2019 Norton Junior National Champions
- 2018 Norton Youth A National Champions
- 2017 Norton Youth A National Champions
- Silver medal Junior America-Pacific Championships
- Silver medal in Koenigssee, Germany Youth A World Cup doubles race
2022-2023 SEASON (doubles with Dana Kellogg)
- 17th place in Innsbruck, Austria World Cup doubles race
- Bronze medal in Innsbruck, Austria World Cup Nations Cup doubles race
- 12th place in Whistler, Canada World Cup doubles race
4th place in Whistler, Canada World Cup Nations Cup doubles race
8th place in Park City, Utah World Cup doubles race
8th place in Park City, Utah World Cup sprint doubles race
Gold medal in Park City, Utah World Cup Nations Cup doubles race
17th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup doubles race
13th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup doubles race
5th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup Nations Cup doubles race
13th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup doubles race
13th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup sprint doubles race
2021-2022 SEASON (Doubles with Dana Kellogg. Last named pronounced SEE-gir)
- Swept both fall national team selection races
- 19th place in Beijing, China World Cup doubles race
- DNS in Sochi, Russia (1) Nations Cup qualifying race
- 24th place in Sochi, Russia (2) World Cup doubles race
23rd place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup doubles race
DNQ in Igls, Austria World Cup doubles race
DNQ in Winterberg, Germany World Cup doubles race
- 12th in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup doubles race
- 8th in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup sprint race (career best World Cup result)
- DNR in Oberhof, Germany World Cup doubles race
- DNR in St. Moritz, Switzerland World Cup doubles race
2020-21 SEASON (Did not compete on World Cup tour due to Army WCAP travel restrictions; trained in US with doubles teammate Dana Kellogg)
Captured 1 of 2 fall series races in Lake Placid
2019-20 SEASON (with Dana Kellogg)
- Gold medal in Koenigssee, Germany Junior World Cup doubles race
- Bronze medal in first Altenberg, Germany Junior World Cup doubles race
- 9th place in second Altenberg, Germany Junior World Cup doubles race
- 20th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup doubles race (World Cup debut)
- 8th place in Oberhof, Germany Junior World Championship doubles race
- 16th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup doubles race
- 11th place in Koenigssee, Germany, World Cup doubles race
- Norton USA Luge Junior National Champions in Lake Placid
2018-19 SEASON (with Dana Kellogg)
- 7th place Park City, Utah Junior World Cup doubles #1
- Bronze medal in Park City, Utah Junior World Cup team competition #1
- 4th place Park City, Utah Junior Doubles World Cup #2
- Bronze medal in Park City, Utah Junior World Cup team competition #2
- 7th place Calgary, Canada Junior World Cup doubles
- Bronze medal in Calgary, Canada Junior World Cup team competition
- 8th place in Winterberg, Germany Junior World Cup doubles
- 7th place in Oberhof, Germany Junior World Cup doubles
- 10th place in Junior World Championships in Igls, Austria
- 5th place in Junior World Championship team competition (with Ashley Farquharson, Sean Hollander, Dana Kellogg)
- Norton Junior National Champions in Park City, Utah
2017-18 SEASON (with Dana Kellogg, received the Junior Male Athlete of the Year Award)
- 2018 Norton Youth A National Champions
- 10th place Oberhof, Germany Junior Doubles World Cup #1
- 6th place Oberhof, Germany Junior World Cup Team Competition World Cup #1
- 10th place Oberhof, Germany Junior Doubles World Cup #2
- Silver medal in Koenigssee, Germany Youth A Doubles,World Cup #3
- 10th place Igls, Austria Junior Doubles World Cup
- 6th place Igls, Austria Junior World Cup Team Competition
- Silver medal Junior America-Pacific Championships
- 10th place Winterberg, Germany Junior Doubles World Cup
- 7th place Winterberg, Germany Junior World Cup Team Competition
2016-17 SEASON (with Dana Kellogg, Doubles team finished 1st in Youth World Cup standings in their first season together)
- 2017 Norton Youth A National Champions
- Silver medal in Calgary, Canada Double Youth A World Cup #1
- Silver medal in Calgary, Canada Doubles Youth A World Cup #2
- Bronze medal in Calgary, Canada Junior Team Competition World Cup #2
- Bronze medal in Igls, Austria Youth A Doubles World Cup
- 6th place Igls, Austria Team Competition World Cup
- 6th place Oberhof, Germany Youth A Doubles World Cup
- Bronze medal in Altenberg, Germany Youth A Doubles World Cup
- 7th place Altenberg, Germany Junior World Cup Team Competition
- 7th place Winterberg, Germany Youth A Doubles World Cup
- 8th place Winterberg, Germany Junior World Cup Team Competition
2014-15 SEASON
- Bronze medalist in the Norton Youth B National Championships
- 10th place in Whistler, Canada Youth A World Cup