Athlete Bio#
Ridgefield, CT
University of Florida
Career Highlights
- 3 World Cup victories; 10 World Cup medals total
- Silver medal in 2017 Igls, Austria World Championship team relay
- 2020 World Championship bronze medal in Team Relay event
- 2024 World Championship silver medalist in relay
- 14 World Cup Relay medals
- U23 gold medal at 2016 Koenigssee World Championships (singles)
- 12-time National Indoor Start Champion, a USA Luge record
- In 2011, youngest to ever win a Norton National Championship title
- Gold medal in team relay at 2012 Youth Olympic Games
- 2024 Norton National Champion
Personal Information
- Saw luge on TV during 2002 Winter Olympics; father, Brett, then built a backyard track for Tucker at home
- Completed degree from University of Florida
Tucker West#
10 photos
More Results#
- 3rd place (bronze medal) in Yanqing, China World Cup team relay ( w/Farquharson, Forgan/Kirkby, DiGregorio/Hollander)
- 27th place in Yanqing, China World Cup singles race
- 12th place in PyeongChang, Korea World Cup singles race
- 6th place PyeongChang, Korea World Cup mixed singles event (w/Farquharson)
- 12th place in Whistler, Canada World Championships singles race
- 10th place Whistler, Canada World Championships mixed singles event (w/Farquharson)
- 10th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup singles race
- 21st place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- 17th place in Altenberg, Germany singles race
- 7th place in Sigulda, Latvia singles race
- 22nd place in Oberhof, Germany singles race
- 20th place in Igls, Austria singles race
- 10th place in Lillehammer, Norway World Cup mixed singles event (w/Summer Britcher)
- 12th place in Lillehammer, Norway World Cup singles race
- Norton National Champion
World Cups: Lake Placid: 4th. Whistler: 8th. Winterberg: 14th. Igls: 14th. Altenberg World Champs: 4th. Altenberg: 7th. Oberhof 10th. Oberhof 2: 10th. Sigulda: 13th. Sigulda 2: 10th.
Relays: Whistler: 3rd. Altenberg World Champs: 2nd. Alternberg: 2nd. Oberhof 5th. Sigulda: 3rd.
Sprints: Lake Placid: 12th. Oberhof: 11th. Sigulda: 9th. Altenberg Worlds: 9th.
- 12th place in Innsbruck, Austria World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Innsbruck, Austria (1) World Cup sprint race
- 14th place in Innsbruck, Austria (2) World Cup sprint race
- 5th place in Whistler, Canada World Cup singles race
- Gold medal in Whistler, Canada World Cup Nations Cup race
- 5th place in Whistler, Canada World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Zack DiGregorio, Sean Hollander)
- 4th place in Park City, Utah World Cup singles race
- 7th place in Park City, Utah World Cup sprint race
- 10th place in Sigulda, Latvia (2) World Cup singles race
- 9th place in Sigulda, Latvia (1) World Cup singles race
- Bronze medal in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup team relay (with Emily Sweeney, Zack DiGregorio, Sean Hollander)
- 7th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- 5th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Zack DiGregorio and Sean Hollander)
- 11th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- 13th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup sprint race
- 14th place in St. Moritz, Switzerland World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in St. Moritz, Switzerland World Cup team relay (with Emily Sweeney, Zack DiGregorio and Sean Hollander)
- 16th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- Bronze medal in Winterberg, Germany World Cup team relay (with Emily Sweeney, Zack DiGregorio and Sean Hollander)
- 12th place in Oberhof, Germany World Championships sprint race
- 5th place in Oberhof, Germany World Championships team relay (with Summer Britcher, Zack DiGregorio, Sean Hollander)
- 13th place in Oberhof, Germany World Championships singles race
- Won team record 9th Norton USA Luge Start Championship
- Won fall national team seeding races
- 21st place in Beijing, China World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Beijing, China World Cup team relay (with Ashley Farquharson, Chris Mazdzer, Jayson Terdiman)
- 17th place in Sochi, Russia (1) World Cup singles race
- 8th place in Sochi, Russia (1) World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer, Jayson Terdiman)
- 16th place in Sochi, Russia (2) World Cup singles race
- 24th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- 17th place in Igls, Austria World Cup singles race
- DNQ for Igls, Austria World Cup sprint race
- 23rd place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- Bronze medal in Winterberg, Germany World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazder, Jayson Terdiman)
- DNF in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup singles race
- 19th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup singles race
- DNQ for St.Moritz, Switzerland World Cup singles race
- 13th place in Beijing Olympic singles race
- Won team record 8th Norton USA Luge Start Championship
- Although exempt from fall qualifying, Tucker finished runner-up in the series
- Did not qualify for Koenigssee, Germany World Cup
- 12th in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup singles race
- 24th in Oberhof, Germany World Cup singles race
- DNF in Igls, Austria World Cup 2 singles race (was headed for a top 10 result at time of crash)
- DNQ in Igls, Austria World Cup 2 sprint race
- 14th place in Koenigssee, Germany World Championship singles race
- 12th place in Koenigssee, Germany World Championship sprint race
- 4th place in Koenigssee, Germany World Championship team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer, Jayson Terdiman)
- 17th place in St. Moritz, Switzerland World Cup singles race
- 17th place in Igls, Austria World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Lake Placid World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Lake Placid World Cup sprint race
- 8th place in Whistler, Canada World Cup singles race
- 6th place in Whistler, Canada World Cup sprint race
- 21st place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- 17th place in Lillehammer, Norway World Cup singles race
- 17th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup singles race
- 30th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Oberhof, Germany World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer/Jayson Terdiman)
- 14th place in Sochi, Russia World Championship singles race
- Bronze medal in Sochi, Russia World Championship team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer/Jayson Terdiman)
- DNR in Winterberg, Germany World Cup
- 12th place in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer/Jayson Terdiman)
- 14th place in Sochi, Russia World Cup singles race
- 14th place in Sochi, Russia World Cup sprint race
- 6th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer, Jayson Terdiman)
- 14th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup singles race
- 29th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup singles race (shortened to one heat due to heavy snowfall)
- 9th place in Winterberg, Germany World Championships singles race
- DNQ for Winterberg, Germany World Championship sprint race
- 22nd place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup singles race
- 4th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup Team Relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer, Jayson Terdiman)
- Bronze medal in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup Team Relay (with Chris Mazdzer, Jayson Terdiman, Summer Britcher)
- 8th place in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup singles race
- 10th place in Lake Placid, NY World Cup sprint race
- 10th place in Lake Placid, NY World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Calgary, Canada World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Chris Mazdzer/Jayson Terdiman)
- 8th place in Calgary, Canada World Cup singles race
- 19th place in Whistler, Canada World Cup singles race
- 19th place in Igls, Austria World Cup singles race
- First place in Norton USA Luge Start Championship
- Second place in pre-season Lillehammer Cup
- 26th place in Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea (holds start record set in first run of Olympic race)
- 13th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup sprint race
- 10th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup singles race
- 15th place in Lillehammer, Norway World Cup sprint race
- 11th place in Lillehammer, Norway World Cup singles race
- 15th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup team relay (with Summer Britcher, Matt Mortensen/Jayson Terdiman)
- 6th place in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup singles race
- Bronze medal in Lake Placid World Cup singles race
- 5th place in Lake Placid World Cup sprint race
- 16th place in Calgary, Canada World Cup singles race
- 27th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- 10th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- 15th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup sprint race
- 16th place in Igls, Austria World Cup singles race
- 4th place in Igls, Austria World Cup team relay
- Silver medal in pre-season Lillehammer Cup
- Swept all 4 fall competitions in Oct and Nov (Norton National Championship and 3 seeding races)
- Disqualified (overweight) in Winterberg World Cup singles (resulted in lost point opportunity in singles and sprint race)
- Gold medal in Lake Placid World Cup singles race
- Bronze medal in Lake Placid World Cup team relay (with Britcher, Mortensen/Terdiman)
- Gold medal in shortened Whistler World Cup singles race
- 4th place in Park City World Cup singles race
- 6th place in Park City World Cup sprint race
- 9th place in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup singles race
- Silver medal in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup team relay (with Erin Hamlin, Matt Mortensen/Jayson Terdiman)
- 9th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup singles race
- 10th place in Sigulda, Latvia World Cup sprint race
- 15th place in World Championship singles race (Igls, Austria)
- 14th place in World Championship sprint race (Igls, Austria)
- Silver medal in World Championship team relay (with Erin Hamlin, Matt Mortensen/Jayson Terdiman) (Igls, Austria)
- 12th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup singles race
- 22nd place in Pyeongchang, South Korea pre-Olympic World Cup singles race
- 4th place in Altenberg, Germany World Cup singles race
- Gold medal in the first fall seeding race
- Won the annual USA Luge Start Championship
- 7th place in Igls, Austria World Cup
- Silver medal at 2015 Lake Placid World Cup
- 9th place in 2015 Park City World Cup (singles)
- 5th place in 2015 Park City World Cup (sprint)
- 7th place in 2015 Calgary World Cup (singles)
- 12th place in 2015 Calgary World Cup (sprint)
- Bronze medal in 2016 Sigulda World Cup (singles)
- 15th place in Oberhof World Cup (singles)
- 14th place in Oberhof World Cup (sprint)
- U23 gold medal in 2016 Koenigssee World Championships (singles)
- 15th place in 2016 Koenigssee World Championships (sprint)
- 6th place in 2016 Koenigssee World Championships (singles)
- 13th place in 2016 Altenberg World Cup (singles)
- 20th place in 2016 Winterberg World Cup (singles)
- Gold medal at Lake Placid World Cup
- Bronze medal at Team Relay in Lake Placid World Cup
- Silver medal in Calgary, Canada FIL-Sprint World Cup
- 7th in Calgary, Canada World Cup
- 10th in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup
- Bronze medal at Winterberg, Germany World Cup
- 6th place in Team Relay at Winterberg, Germany World Cup
- 5th place in Lillehammer, Norway World Cup
- Silver medal at Jr. World Championship in Lillehammer, Norway
- 4th place in Team Relay Jr. World Championships in Lillehammer, Norway
- 21st in Altenberg, Germany World Cup
- 16th in Sochi, Russia World Cup
- Finished 22nd at the 2014 XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia
- Silver medal in team relay at Junior World Championships in Igls, Austria
- 9th place at Junior World Championships in Igls, Austria
- Silver medal in team relay in Oberhof, Germany Junior World Cup
- Bronze medal in Oberhof, Germany Junior World Cup
- 19th place in Oberhof, Germany World Cup
- 23rd in Koenigssee, Germany World Cup
- 16th place in Park City, Utah World Cup
- 11th place in Whistler World Cup
- Part of silver medal relay team in Winterberg, Germany
- Tie 11th place in Winterberg, Germany World Cup
- Gold medal in Igls, Austria Nations Cup
- 26th place in Igls, Austria World Cup
- 28th place in Lillehammer World Cup
- 2013 Silver medalist in Norton Nat'l Championships
- 2013 Norton Junior National Championship silver medalist
- 10th in Junior World Championships in Park City, Utah
- 22nd in Igls, Austria Junior World Cup
- 15th in Winterberg, Germany Junior World Cup
- 3rd in Team Relay at Park City, Utah Junior World Championship
- 13th in Lillehammer, Norway Junior World Cup
- 17th in Koenigssee, Germany Junior World Cup
- Tied for Norton Nat'l Championship (with Chris Mazdzer)
- Gold medal in 2012 Youth Olympic Games team relay
- 12th in 2012 Youth Olympic Games
- 20th in Winterberg, Germany Junior World Cup
- 6th in Team Relay Koenigssee, Germany Junior World Championship
- 12th in Koenigssee, Germany Junior World Championship
- Silver Medalist at Junior World Cup in Igls, Austria
- Bronze Medalist in Youth A Junior World Cup, Calgary, Canada
- 8th in Norton National Championships
- Silver medal in 2011 Norton Youth A National Championships
- Silver medal in 2011 Norton Youth A National Seeding Race
- Silver Medalist Norton Youth National Championships
- Silver Medalist Norton Jr National Championships
- 14th in Igls, Austria Junior World Cup
- 12th in Koenigssee, Germany Junior World Cup
- 24th in Altenberg, Germany Junior World Cup